Career Development

In today’s episode, your host Kimberly is joined by Alexandra Gilbert, CEO of consulting and coaching business Cape-Able Consulting LLC, a consulting agency created to help people with ADHD or learning disabilities struggling in their careers to reach their highest potential in the workplace.

Transforming Learning Disability Into Workplace Capability with ADHD Coach Alexandra Gilbert

Career Development, Interview, Podcast

Sneakerhead and founder of Trill or Not Trill – a leadership development institute for higher education and the corporate space, Lenny Williams is a true educator at heart. Joining Kimberly to speak about authenticity in the workplace, listen in as he shares his entrepreneurial journey and explains the importance of knowing who you are and creating your own narrative.

Authenticity in the Workplace with Lenny Williams

Career Development, Interview, Podcast

Do you feel like you can do your job with your eyes closed? Are you a “lifer” – remaining at your job for years even though you feel unfulfilled? This is exactly how Jackie Janiec feels as she joins Kimberly in another career coaching segment of Your Next Move.

You’ve probably heard that relationships are everything, and Kimberly is here to tell you…THEY STILL ARE!

So following her breakdown of professional peers, sponsors, and teachers, in this episode, we dive even deeper and take a look at the people you admire, those you respect, and the power players who can move the needle.

3 Depth Types of Relationships

Career Development, Podcast

In this episode, Kimberly Brown breaks down coffee chats. We aren’t talking about those cute coffee dates at your local shop though. We are talking career coffee chats – the professional dates you’re having in your network to know a person better, engage them, and get the information you need to move your career forward.

5 Types of Coffee Chats

Career Development, Podcast

Working with clients, the biggest gap Kimberly often sees that prevents people from making the next move is not having an understanding of where they are and where they’d like to be. So in this episode, she breaks down her career growth scale to help you set yourself up for success and master each step along the way.

Your host Kimberly Brown has been a career coach for over a decade, helping women and people of color navigate the world of work, make more money, and position themselves as leaders. And in this episode, we get to see her in action!

Career Coaching: Overachieving, Workplace Boundaries, and Mindset Shifts with Shaperyla Smith

Career Development, Podcast

Welcome back to another Q&A episode with Kimberly Brown. Join us this week as Kimberly answers some of your most asked career questions.

Career Q&A: Burnout, Appraisals, and Mental Health

Career Development, Podcast

Welcome back to another Q&A episode with Kimberly Brown. Join us this week as Kimberly answer some of your most asked career questions.

We have all been there where the days we want to quit outnumber the days we want to stay at our job. We’re frustrated with the people around us, or we’re frustrated with the work itself, or maybe you just don’t think you have much more to offer at this point in your career. If this all sounds familiar, then this episode is for you.

Hating your job? 5 Things You Can Do to Start Loving Your Job Again

Career Development, Job Search, Podcast

Welcome back to another Q&A episode with Kimberly Brown. Join us this week as Kimberly answer some of your most asked career questions.

Career Q&A Using Benefits, Building Soft Skills, and Developing Leadership Skills as an Entrepreneur

Career Development, Podcast

Welcome back to another Q&A episode with Kimberly Brown. Join us this week as Kimberly answer some of your most asked career questions.