Career Development

Welcome back to another Q&A episode with Kimberly Brown. Join us this week as Kimberly answer some of your most asked career questions.

Career Q&A: Expanding Your Community. Finding a Mentor and Becoming a Thought Leader

Career Development, Podcast

In nearly every professional’s career, there is a time where you start to feel like you’ve plateaued and hit the proverbial glass ceiling. In my work as a career + leadership development coach, I see this frequently with high-achieving professionals who’ve been in their role for a minimum of 3 years. Instead of staring at the clock wishing it was 5pm, and it’s still saying 9:30am; it’s important that you take control and change the direction and narrative of your experience.

6 Steps to Break Through a Plateau in Your Career

Career Development, Job Search, Podcast

In this bonus episode, Kimberly answers your deepest career and leadership questions! Pulling commonly received questions from the audience, tune in as Kimberly shares her secret to a great interview, tips for negotiating a premium salary, a guide for stepping into a leadership role, and much more!

Congratulations! You got the new job! Now what? Don’t simply go in, figure it out, and allow that new job or company to drive things for you! Listen in as Kimberly discusses what you should be doing over the next 90 days, from creating momentum to conducting listening tours. Understand all the pieces of the organization. When you understand the needs, you can brainstorm effective solutions and when you have effective solutions, you can execute flawlessly.

Maximizing Your Success in a New Job – Your First 90 Days

Career Development, Podcast

One of the issues with career development is that we don’t think about it like any other plan, we just kind of hope things are going to happen because we put it out into the universe. But Kimberly doesn’t want you to develop your 2022 career goals just out of thin air. She wants you to get intentional!

Planning for Your Career in 2022 – Everything You Need to Know

Career Development, Podcast

With the #greatresignation taking place in light of the pandemic, many of us are required to make some major pivots in our career journeys. One crucial aspect of that very pivot is our resume! In this episode, Kimberly discusses resumes and the #greatresignation with Chris Villanueva – host of the Career Warrior podcast and founder of resume writing company Lets Eat, Grandma. Tune in as they discuss the big shifts that have been happening since the pandemic, and how we can position ourselves to stand out from the crowd and land the interviews we want. So join Kimberly and Chris in their conversation and gain some valuable insights on how to format your resume, rectifying the most common mistakes made when writing our resumes, and so much more!

Behind every success story lies struggle, hardship, and a whole lot of rejection. Once a newly graduated job-seeker, Brittney Oliver has had to face countless rejections for numerous reasons that were beyond her control. But instead of accepting her reality, Brittney took things into her own hands and started opening her own doors. Tune in to find out where she gets her confidence and drive from, as well as how she managed to carve her own career path into becoming a writer for many online publications that we all know.

Career Conversations with Brittney Oliver on Access and Deepening Relationships

Career Development, Interview, Podcast

In this episode, we hop on to one of Kimberly’s mini-training sessions on Instagram Live where she discusses the importance of learning more to earn more. We all know that personal and professional development is key to fulfillment and advancement in your career, but how do you know that it’s time to invest in yourself? Tune in as Kimberly shares with you the four key moments that tell you it’s time to start a new cycle of personal and professional development in your career. Stick to the end for a Q&A session where Kimberly answers questions and offers some actionable tips that you can apply to your development journey as well!

Learn More to Earn More

Career Development, Podcast

We all come to a point where we feel stuck in life, not knowing what the next move is. Believe it or not, career and workplace expert Lindsey Pollak was once all too familiar with that feeling. Join in on the conversation as she shares her career journey from being unemployed to being one of the most prominent figures in the career and speaking field. Learn all about recalculation and how you can put yourself in a much happier and more fulfilling place in your career. Lindsey also shares with us the inspiration behind her books and other books that have helped propel her forward in her career and mindset journey (link to her books in the show notes below!).

In part 2 of this episode, Kimberly breaks down planning your year-end performance into 5 key pieces. These 5 key pieces will help you understand the process and purpose of performance reviews better so that you and your manager can get the most out of them! Learn how to apply them to your own performance reviews as she expands on each of these key pieces, and how to let your leadership qualities shine through at each and every step. Remember, performance reviews are not so much about your work as they are about you – tune in now and learn how to position yourself in the best way possible for your next promotion.

Planning Your Year End Performance PT 2

Career Development, Podcast

Some of you may dread performance reviews, but looking back on your year is absolutely essential to planning your next. In part 1 of this episode, Kimberly talks about performance discussions, why they are important, and how you can fully utilize them to your advantage. You will also learn how to set the right personal and professional goals for yourself and apply them in your planning. Tune in now and find out how you can start playing an active role in your performance discussions and align your goals with them!

Planning Your Year End Performance PT 1

Career Development, Podcast

Welcome to the Your Next Move podcast! Meet your host, Kimberly Cummings, a career and leadership expert who helps women and people of color thrive in the workplace. If you are looking to advance your career, strategize your goals, or simply don’t know where to start, then look no further – this podcast will equip you with the tools and tips necessary to make your next best career move. But first things first – before you make any decision, you must first understand where you are right now in your career. In this first episode, Kimberly goes through the 4 possible stages you could be in your career. Learn to compare and contrast these 4 stages to figure out which one aligns most with you at the moment so that you can make the most ideal decision for your career. Kimberly also taps into personal examples to show you how she applies these 4 stages to her own career experience. So grab a pen and paper, take some notes, and plan your next move with Kimberly!