Job Search

Kimberly knows that when you attend professional events such as conferences, you are spending a pretty penny. It’s imperative that you can optimize the experience to get the outcome you desire. So in this episode, your host shares the top three steps you need to maximize your time and investment when attending professional events.

3 Ways to Maximize Your Conference Experience

Job Search, Podcast

With expectations of a fresh start, new beginning, new boss, new team, and all the things that come with your first day at a new job, when it is not what you expected or were looking forward to, it can be really hard. But the real question is, what now?

So Your New Job Isn’t Quite What You Expected…

Job Search, Podcast

Job descriptions are like a Christmas wish list, with the hiring manager itemizing every single skill, task, and experience they prefer a candidate to possess. So how can we show that we are qualified for a job when we don’t necessarily meet all of the expectations?

Are you realizing just how underpaid you are? Are you bored, feeling stuck, and ready to move into a new role in your current career? You know you are capable of more, but does your boss?

How To Convince Your Boss That You are Ready for a Leadership Role

Job Search, Podcast

Job hunting will always feel like a full-time job, and that’s okay. The more you set yourself up for success, the easier the process will be. And with the pandemic changing so much about how we work, Kimberly takes this episode to share her top 4 tips to help you stand out and land that new job.

4 Tips To Stand Out and Land a New Job

Job Search, Podcast

We have all been there where the days we want to quit outnumber the days we want to stay at our job. We’re frustrated with the people around us, or we’re frustrated with the work itself, or maybe you just don’t think you have much more to offer at this point in your career. If this all sounds familiar, then this episode is for you.

In nearly every professional’s career, there is a time where you start to feel like you’ve plateaued and hit the proverbial glass ceiling. In my work as a career + leadership development coach, I see this frequently with high-achieving professionals who’ve been in their role for a minimum of 3 years. Instead of staring at the clock wishing it was 5pm, and it’s still saying 9:30am; it’s important that you take control and change the direction and narrative of your experience.

6 Steps to Break Through a Plateau in Your Career

Career Development, Job Search, Podcast

Do the jobs you apply for always seem just out of reach? Are you tired of being told you were great at the interview but didn’t get the job? The frustration is real when it comes to constantly ranking number 2 in interview rounds… But fret not! In this episode, Kimberly dives deep into the 6 key phases of the interview process and shows you how to ace every single one of them. Learn to best showcase your abilities and alignment for your dream role while making a lasting impression with everyone you interview with. So tune in now and uncover the secret to acing your interviews and getting great offers!

The Real Reason Why You’re Not Getting to the Final Rounds in Interviews

Job Search, Podcast