
Congratulations! You got the new job! Now what? Don’t simply go in, figure it out, and allow that new job or company to drive things for you! Listen in as Kimberly discusses what you should be doing over the next 90 days, from creating momentum to conducting listening tours. Understand all the pieces of the organization. When you understand the needs, you can brainstorm effective solutions and when you have effective solutions, you can execute flawlessly.

Maximizing Your Success in a New Job – Your First 90 Days

Career Development, Podcast

In this episode, Kimberly invites one of her nearest and dearest friends, Lejorne Leys, to discuss his work with underrepresented groups in the technology sector. Dedicating his career to helping young talent navigate the world of work and get connected to opportunities, listen in as Lejorne and Kimberly discuss the pandemic’s impact on the workplace and the need to shift our perception of the typical nine to five.

The Need To Recruit & Retain Young Talent with Lejorne Leys

Interview, Podcast, Workplace

This episode is all about productivity, something important for everyone but absolutely crucial for high-achieving professionals. And it just so happens that your host, Kimberly, is a specialist when it comes to getting things done.

“When you have a friend that you can make money with, that’s a different tier of friend.”

Meet Your Next Move’s good friend and special guest, Latesha Byrd. CEO of Perfeqta and “Career Chasers” club founder, Latesha helps corporations build high-performing teams and put equity back into talent.

Discover Clarity, Build Confidence, and Take Control of your Career with Latesha Byrd

Interview, Podcast, Workplace

One of the issues with career development is that we don’t think about it like any other plan, we just kind of hope things are going to happen because we put it out into the universe. But Kimberly doesn’t want you to develop your 2022 career goals just out of thin air. She wants you to get intentional!

Planning for Your Career in 2022 – Everything You Need to Know

Career Development, Podcast

Life doesn’t have to be that hard, and in this episode, you will uncover the little things you can do to radically change your day-to-day experiences! Join Kimberly and special guest Susie Moore as they chat about “get to-do lists”, using your talents, and applying addition instead of subtraction in your life. Tune in to freshen up your perspective on life and start taking action to Let it be Easy with Susie Moore today! About Susie: Susie Moore is the author of Let It Be Easy, Stop Checking Your Likes, and several other books. She is a former Silicon Valley sales director turned celebrity life coach and advice columnist, and her work has been featured on the Today show and Oprah and in Business Insider, The Huffington Post, Forbes, Time, Inc, and Marie Claire. She lives in Miami with her husband Heath and her Yorkshire terrier, Coconut.

Do the jobs you apply for always seem just out of reach? Are you tired of being told you were great at the interview but didn’t get the job? The frustration is real when it comes to constantly ranking number 2 in interview rounds… But fret not! In this episode, Kimberly dives deep into the 6 key phases of the interview process and shows you how to ace every single one of them. Learn to best showcase your abilities and alignment for your dream role while making a lasting impression with everyone you interview with. So tune in now and uncover the secret to acing your interviews and getting great offers!

The Real Reason Why You’re Not Getting to the Final Rounds in Interviews

Job Search, Podcast

In this episode, Kimberly chats with the one and only Budgetnista, Tiffany Aliche about being an Ambitious Woman in this day and age. Tune in for a glimpse into the grit, hard work, and drive that it takes to achieve success as a female solo entrepreneur. As Kimberly and Tiffany share their journeys with you, you will find out what it truly means to carry ambition in all that you do in your career. Kimberly and Tiffany also chat about negotiating your salary, dealing with Imposter Syndrome, ways to rejuvenate yourself, and so much more!

Being an Ambitious Woman with Tiffany Aliche, The Budgetnista

Interview, Next Move, Best Move, Podcast

In this episode, we embark on the road to revenue and happiness with special guest David Meltzer. David is driven by a strong passion to empower others to find their happiness and embodies that in everything he does. As part of that lifelong mission, for the past 20 years, he’s been providing free weekly trainings to empower others to be happy. You can join them at https://free.dmeltzer.com/friday-training-1 So be a part of the conversation with Kimberly and David as they chat about the pursuit of happiness, the secret to loving what you do, how losing 100 million dollars was the best thing that ever happened to him, and much more!

With the #greatresignation taking place in light of the pandemic, many of us are required to make some major pivots in our career journeys. One crucial aspect of that very pivot is our resume! In this episode, Kimberly discusses resumes and the #greatresignation with Chris Villanueva – host of the Career Warrior podcast and founder of resume writing company Lets Eat, Grandma. Tune in as they discuss the big shifts that have been happening since the pandemic, and how we can position ourselves to stand out from the crowd and land the interviews we want. So join Kimberly and Chris in their conversation and gain some valuable insights on how to format your resume, rectifying the most common mistakes made when writing our resumes, and so much more!

Resumes and the #greatresignation with Chris Villanueva

Career Development, Interview, Podcast

In this episode, we invite value-driven entrepreneur and creator of digital community Memconnect, Netta Dobbins, to share her personal career transition journey with us and drop some knowledge on navigating and thriving in the workplace as a person of color. Find out more about how she made her career transition, and how she organically turned a digital community into a full-blown business. Kimberly and Netta also chat about dealing with imposter syndrome, handling racism in the workplace, as well as future projects and opportunities at Memconnect!

Creating Opportunities for People of Color with Netta Dobbins

Interview, Podcast, Workplace

Join this insightful Q&A session with your host Kimberly and Career Masterclass on how to make the best power moves in your workplace! From networking strategies to crafting your career plan, Kimberly will share expert guidance on how to navigate and advance in the world of work. Learn to align your expertise and skills to roles and companies that will set you up to be a leader in the workplace. Kimberly also talks about shedding old mentalities of career advancement, how to take control of your own career trajectory, and why there is no such thing as luck! So tune in and learn how you too can make your own career power moves with Kimberly today.